Woman feels betrayed learning sister is adopted

DEAR HARRIETTE: I recently discovered that my 20-year-old sister is adopted, and it has left me feeling shocked, confused and betrayed. I'm 25, and my parents never disclosed this information to me nor my sister. We lived our whole lives until now believing we were blood sisters.

The need for an artificial intelligence law becomes more urgent each day. Artificial intelligence technology is exploding into all facets of life, and while the technology has great promise in a wide variety of applications including medicine and science, it also poses serious dangers to businesses, privacy and personal data.


• Early spring is when migrating birds begin to return north, so it's a good time to make sure your home is as bird-safe as possible.

Friends don’t see eye to eye on family support

DEAR HARRIETTE: One of my closest friends recently tore me apart, citing the stark differences in our lifestyles and how we were raised. I come from an individualistic family where putting personal needs first is the norm, while she comes from a collectivist family where the emphasis is on the needs of the group. This contrast has created a significant rift in our relationship, with my friend accusing me of selfishness.

How much money is really enough?

Donald Trump is raising money like crazy. Joe Biden just got a pledge of more than $1 billion from progressive groups. Almost every day, news outlets report more money flowing to the two candidates.

Shopper judged for simple clothing choices

DEAR HARRIETTE: Recently, I went to a high-end store wearing a simple dress, and I noticed that the sales lady did not seem eager to assist me. Despite politely requesting help, I was largely ignored while other customers who were dressed in more extravagant clothing were approached immediately. This experience made me feel like I was being judged based on my appearance rather than being treated equally as a customer. It felt like a clear display of inequality and discrimination. It is not fair to prioritize certain customers over others based on their appearance. —Not Fair Treatment

In 1830, the Book of Mormon went on sale at a bookstore in Palmyra, N.Y.

The futility of banning TikTok

With hefty bipartisan backing, the House has passed a bill that would force Tik Tok – the wildly popular Chinese-owned social media app – to sell out or face a ban. Normally, a measure that commands that kind of support makes sense. This one does not, and it should die in the Senate.

Living with a cat brings challenges

We have had our adopted Mexican street cat, Felix, for a month now. “Has he bulked out?” I asked my husband, Peter, as we watched Felix, standing on his back legs and walloping the tattered mouse hanging from his sisal scratching post. Felix looked like a boxer, beating the remaining stuffing out of his helpless little toy mouse. Bits of fur and mouse innards were strewn around the kitchen. But the carnage was not limited to the kitchen.
