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The refrigerator beeps if I accidentally leave the door open, which I do a lot, but it's a different beep than the one the dishwasher makes to tell me it

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Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., the highly improbable candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, made this insightful comment to The New York Times: "The story that we tell,

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DEAR HARRIETTE: I thought that my daughter and I had a great, open relationship where she talked to me about if not everything, most things. We have clear rules about

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DEAR ABBY: My husband went to his 45th class reunion a state away and hooked up with a classmate. Over the next few months it went from talking and texting to her sending him nude pictures of herself.

Disasters can alter a family’s normal routine with little warning. Neighborhood streets can be closed because of large debris or downed power lines. Suddenly, an area that is a familiar part of a normal daily routine is now unrecognizable.

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DEAR HARRIETTE: I have a friend who I am sort of interested in, but I’m not at all ready to be in a serious romantic relationship with. He is very
