Taking kids shopping so they can run, jump, scream, yell

If you know anything about children and cats, you know they are one thing: fastidious. When you put a child in the ball pit at the local fast-food restaurant, you can bet that every ball will be licked clean and ready for the next child to play with.

Grandma’s fear of teen’s pet snake causes a family uproar

DEAR ABBY: My niece, “Vicki,” will be 18 in a few days. She works part-time and has started college. Her mom, my sister, lost her husband last year. Vicki did some research on finding herself the right pet because my sister has allergies.

Reader has compulsive spending problem

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have a spending problem. I can’t seem to stop myself from buying things online. Plus whenever I go out to the mall or something, I can’t just
