Rehearsals underway

Emmi Madden will be playing Gertrude McFuzz in Southwest Playhouse’s upcoming production of “Seussical the Musical.” The show will open Feb. 14 and will continue Feb. 15-16 and 21-23.

Those wanting to vote early on the $29.7 million Clinton Public School Bond Issue can do so Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. at the Custer County Election Board, 633 N. 6th St. Election Day voting will be Tuesday from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the regular polling places.

Taking shape

County Commissioner Wade Anders watches as a new 97-foot I-beams weighing 81,000 pounds a piece are placed on this bridge under construction 4.5 miles west of Arapaho at Barnitz Creek. Funding for the eventually completed $1-million project is 75 percent federal and 25 percent from the state.

Teens for Jeans

Clinton High School Key Club members, from left, Emily Stephens, Emma Swope and Litzy Silos show some of the jeans they have collected in an effort to help homeless teenagers. The jean drive will continue through mid-February and donation boxes are at the school library and atrium areas.
