Today is the 126th day of 2023 and the 48th day of spring.
Receiving awards for being in the upper 3 percent of the nation’s graduating high school students were (front row, left to right) Jon Paden, DeAnna Davis, Jackie Rightnowar, Kristin King, (back row) Jay Richert, Paul Howell, Alan Dick, Jeff Shadle and Eric Schumacher. Not pictured were Glynn Walker, Amy Warner and Jesse Vasquey.
For more than two years now, Republicans have been predicting that President Joe Biden’s big-spending policies will crash the U.S. economy into recession. It hasn’t happened yet, although the country did experience two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth – a widely accepted definition of recession – in the first and second quarters of 2022. But the economy climbed back into positive growth territory in the next quarter and has stayed there since.
DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m about to welcome a new baby into my family soon, and it’s through adoption. I’m over the moon excited and ready for the challenge of being a new parent, but I’m also struggling with the difficult question of when to tell the child they’re adopted. I understand that it’s something they’ll eventually find out and something I can’t keep hidden forever, so when should I have that conversation?
VERO BEACH, Florida – Three-quarters of a century ago, when Joe Biden and Donald Trump were children, this state was a backwater, both the smallest in the South and the smallest east of the Mississippi, ranked in the bottom half of the states by population and by home ownership. Its six members of the House – fewer than Oklahoma – were nobodies, representing a sprawling peninsula that was basically nowhere. It had enjoyed booms (land, citrus) and busts (land, citrus) in recurring waves of dreams and dross. The University of Florida had about the same student enrollment (2,604) as Vermont’s Middlebury College has now (2,526).