Before Clinton Economic Development Authority Director Roland Mower was hired, he told the local search committee it would take two to three years of work before it could start seeing results.

Words of wisdom during troubled times

How easy it is, in times of ease, for us to become dependent on “ our routines, on the established order of our day-to-day existence, to carry us along." These words greeted subscribers to the monthly spiritual magazine Magnificat 20 years ago, on the morning after the 9/11 attacks on the United States.

DEAR HARRIETTE: My grandmother has been sick for about a year. She's slowly losing control of her body and mind. She's not capable of living alone as she can't walk much and shows early signs of dementia. She has a live-in caretaker.

Today is the 254th day of 2021 and the 84th day of summer.

Two questions about Afghan refugees

Biden administration officials are proud of their effort to airlift about 118,000 Afghans, plus somewhere between 5,000 and 6,000 U.S. citizens, from the Kabul airport in the final days of the president's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. But still unanswered are two key questions: One, who did we leave behind? And two, who did we bring out?

Over a decade ago we published an editorial about how taking care of the little things can have a huge impact. We thought it was worth repeating.
