For democrats, the word is ‘transform

Remember when Joe Biden ran for president in what commentators called the "centrist" lane of the Democratic primaries? The idea was that a "moderate" like Biden, unlike rival Bernie Sanders, would not push radical plans to completely change American society. That would reassure non-progressive Democrats, and independents, too, that Biden would be a safe choice for president. They didn't want to remake the world. They just wanted things to get better.

Reader wants to invite family to therapy session

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have been sorting through some emotional issues for some time now. I have come to a decision that I am frightened to make: I want to ask my dad and stepmother to join an upcoming group therapy session with me. My therapist recommended that we sit down together, as a lot of my issues stem from the way they treated me when I was younger. I'm very nervous to ask them because I'm sure they have no idea I'm feeling this way. How should I approach this? -- Group Therapy

Today’s political violence real, but not new

Every time I hear somebody say that America's contemporary political climate is uniquely violent, I wonder, "Where were you during the Nixon years?" Too young to remember the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy? The Chicago police riot at the 1968 Democratic Convention? The killings at Kent State? A "Weatherman" bomb factory detonating in Greenwich Village? Patty Hearst and the Symbionese Liberation Army? The 1992 Los Angeles riots ...

Most people with MS have relapsing-remitting type

Dear Doctors: My older brother is 33 years old and was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I don't want to bother him with a lot of questions, but I would like to learn more about it. Can you please explain what it is, how it's treated and what to expect?

Friend enables mother’s unhealthy diet

DEAR HARRIETTE: I'm worried about my friend's mother. My friend is turning a blind eye as her mother completely neglects her own health. She's diabetic, yet I watch her continually make poor food decisions. I don't understand why my friend lets it happen. My friend will even bring the unhealthy food into the house. Is there anything I can do? Sometimes I want to scream at them and ask if they can see what they are doing to her dear mother. It's painful to watch. – Enabler Friend

The best of the United States

We want to express our gratitude to the generous folks who are helping to receive and resettle Afghan refugees. They represent the very best of the American spirit: good-hearted and open-minded, a spirit that might flicker and fade in Washington, D.C., but that flourishes in communities across the U.S.

Employee considers quitting if dog can’t go to office

DEAR HARRIETTE: During and because of the pandemic, I adopted a large service dog for emotional support. I was told that I will not be able to bring my dog into the office because it is against company policy. I feel discrimi nated against because I have papers to ensure that my dog should be allowed with me in all spaces. Should I quit my job? I need my dog with me. – Emotional Support

Pro-life goes beyond Roe v. Wade

If you are pregnant and in need, come to the Catholic Church! That was the message of Cardinal John O'Connor 30 years ago when he founded the Sisters of Life in New York. That community of Catholic nuns were founded to protect and enhance the sanctity of human life. The Sisters today are in the New York metropolitan area, Phoenix, Denver, Philadelphia, Toronto and Washington, D.C.
