Frailty assessment helpful before surgery

Dear Doctor: Our dad is 82 years old and may need to get a pacemaker. My brother and I recently read that surgery is hard on older people, both physically and mentally. Is getting a pacemaker going to be risky? He's physically pretty weak, and we're worried the surgery will be too much for him.

Even though we didn’t know the outcome of the presidential election at the time of this writing, we, like many others, are extremely happy that Election Day has come and gone.

Have we become too impatient?

Even after 160 million people voted – a figure that is about a fifth of the population of the entire world when the Constitution was written – many questions remain unanswered, many aspects of our public life are unsettled, many political matters are unresolved, many aspects of our social and cultural lives are uncertain.

DEAR HARRIETTE: New York is an expensive place to live. There are a lot of homeless people and families that cram into a studio or onebedroom apartment because they cannot afford anything bigger, my family included. I often see new buildings that are built all throughout the five boroughs, and I think how great it is that they are expanding the housing for New Yorkers. But each time I look into these buildings in urban areas of Queens, Bronx and Brooklyn, the rent for one or two bedrooms is typically over $2,000.

In 1517, Martin Luther nailed his “Ninety-Five Theses” on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, in protest of the selling of papal indulgences.

Replacing batteries

Daylight Saving Time is this weekend and people will need to set their clocks back an hour before going to bed Saturday night. The Clinton Fire Department encourages people to swap out their batteries in smoke detectors in conjunction with the time change. Here Clinton Firefighter Justin Hill prepares to do just that.
