How will impeachment play in Nov.?

The Democrats who impeached President Trump knew they did not have a prayer of removing him from office. But they also knew impeachment might have another effect – to weaken the president and reduce his chances of winning reelection in November.

My colonoscopy was part of 4th grade Show and Tell

When Dr. Sam said to me, "You've got the colon of a man half your age," it was hard to keep from beaming. This must be how a mother feels when a complete stranger tells her how beautiful her new baby is.

Well, maybe not so much.

Sen. Howard will study new Medicaid plan

I’m excited to work with his administration again this year. Gov. Stitt has a vision of where he wants the state to be but unlike most politicians, he’s set incremental goals to achieve top 10 status.

Separate sleeping quarters give loving couple peace

DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have been married for 45 years. When she moved out of our bedroom, I was shocked. I thought she didn’t love me anymore. Then I realized that both our sleeping habits have changed over the years.

Self-employed reader called for jury duty

DEAR HARRIETTE: I got called for jury duty. I had been able to dodge it for the past 10 years or so, but this time they said I have to come. I’m self-employed, and I can’t afford to take off this time. How can I make clear my circumstances? — No Jury Duty

Over half of U.S. adults say financial stress negatively impacted their personal health and work performance in 2018, according to new research. When it comes to tax season, preparation is key to easing anxiety, according to experts.

Blind date begins love story that has lasted for 55 years

EAR ABBY: I met my lady on a blind date many years ago. When I knocked on the door, it opened and this beautiful girl was standing there. Thinking I could never be so lucky, I asked, “Is your sister home?” No. She was my date.

Parent upset school dwells on racism

EAR HARRIETTE: Seemingly out of the blue, they are reading lots of books about race at my son’s school. Seriously, they have read three books back-to-back about racial injustice. While I think it is important for the kids to learn about these topics, it is making us uncomfortable. Not everything is about race, but you would never know from this class. I don’t have the knowledge or time to debate these issues with my son every day.
