Dear Editor,

The media program at Clinton public schools is impressive, and we at the University of Oklahoma think your readers should know it.

Dear Editor,

Saturday Nov. 23, 2019, was one of my most pleasant days in a long time!

The true meaning of Christmas TV specials

Tis the season for Christmas television specials. What better way to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus than by watching A WWE Christmas Smackdown? What could possibly say "Peace on Earth, good will to men" more than a special called "Katy Perry Goes a-Caroling Buck Naked"?

Prosecutor’s power questioned

In the multicounty grand jury system, Oklahoma prosecutors have a powerful tool to investigate allegations of crimes and public corruption across counties.

Many schools require ‘heavy focus’

A third of schools across the state dropped one letter grade on report cards released Monday by the state Board of Education.

The report cards for the 2018-19 school year show about half of Oklahoma schools remained steady and 15 percent improved.
