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From now on, the Trump-Russia affair – the investigation that dominated the first years of Donald Trump's presidency –will be divided into two parts: before and after the release of Robert Mueller's report.

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DEAR ABBY: I married when I was in my early 20s and stayed married for four years. It has been five years since my divorce. We had no children, and I haven’t had contact with my ex. The problem is, my family won’t stop bringing him up.

Over the past 10 years, researchers have learned Alzheimer’s disease starts much earlier than the onset of symptoms — 10-20 years before an individual, family member or friend might notice the signs of the debilitating disease.

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Hello dear readers, and welcome back to our monthly letters column. Let’s dive in! – We had several questions regarding how E. coli is finding its way into romaine lettuce, and whether thorough washing can render suspect batches of leafy greens safe again.

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We didn't know. When the United States Supreme Court first legalized Roe v. Wade, Frederica Mathewes-Green had a bumper sticker on her car: "Don't labor under a misconception; legalize abortion." She's since changed her mind about that.

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DEAR ABBY: The music director at our church – I’ll call her Mildred – is an alcoholic. I realized it after I offered my home to her when she said she needed to escape from her alcoholic partner. Mildred is a nighttime drinker and imbibes until probably 2 a.m.

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DEAR HARRIETTE: A work colleague who I am not close to but occasionally collaborate with has bad breath. It is more than a bit uncomfortable to speak with him because I try to not be offensive or make faces, but the odor is not OK.

Whether you like to curl up on your side or sprawl flat out on your stomach, you probably have a favorite sleeping position. But did you know that if you suffer from common aches and pains, this familiar position might be aggravating your pain?
