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DEAR ABBY: I am in my mid-20s, and a few years ago my mother divorced my stepfather. They were married for 17 years, and I grew up with him in the house for most of my life. After my sister was born, his behavior toward me


We are glad school leaders are working to solve the classroom needs for the Clinton Public Schools.

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Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is over, but the reverberations of the Trump-Russia affair live on. One such after-effect is the reluctance of some important figures in the 2016 campaign to speak out, for fear of continued legal entanglements.

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In the spring of 2016, Wall Street Journal reporters went hunting for the heart of Make America Great Again territory and ended up in Buchanan County, Virginia, near the borders of Kentucky and West Virginia.

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Dear Doctor: My grandson is always carrying around a little device that he smokes like a cigarette. It puffs smoke just like one, too. I’m a former smoker, and my lungs aren’t in great shape, so I’m worried. What is he using? Is it safe?

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DEAR HARRIETTE: I am nervous about the idea of going to therapy. I was invited to go in order to build a stronger relationship with a family member, but I

At your child’s next check-up, don’t be surprised if your pediatrician recommends a healthy dose of play. Beyond the typical preventive care strategies for healthy child development, more pediatricians are

Even with our digital devices, many of us still have a box with handwritten recipe cards we keep in the kitchen and pull out when it’s time to bake Grandma’s
