Angel Tree

Arapaho-Butler elementary students, from left, Rawan Jubara, Maggie Keeton, Alivia Casas and Alyssa Cote set up the 2020 Angel Tree. If interested in sponsoring an angel off the tree, please call the elementary school. Gifts will need to be turned in by Dec. 10.

The Oklahoma State Department of Health announced recently an optional short-term policy change for schools with students who have been exposed to COVID-19.

Playful boy

Young Bryson Jones swings back and across on one of McLain Rogers’ new playground equipment after school.

Oklahoma Human Services has named Brittany Lee as the Director of Child Care Services.

Adventures at Acme

Kayleigh Fletcher, left, Jackson Barrios and Harper Veazey explore around Acme Brick Park and look down inside one of the tire equipment sections.

Child and adult care institutions across the state are announcing their participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, which provides meals to hundreds of thousands of Oklahomans each year.

Downtown art

Chloe Nelson smiles big as she paints a Christmas truck on one of the Pepsi Bottling Group Company’s windows.

Kindness from WOCS

Western Oklahoma Christian School students, from left, Eli Fuller, Luke Bailey, August Dobrinski, Katie Clayton and Erica King pray over Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes filled with gifts that will be sent to needy children in other countries.

Recently, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross announced an affirmative preliminary determination in the countervailing duty investigation of twist ties from China.
