Running courier

Ernie Walker, a Western Plains Library System worker, runs his weekly courier at the Clinton Public Library.

Dear Doctor: I'm a 60-year-old woman with naturally fair skin. I've worked outdoors all of my life – and now I have the age spots on my face to prove it. Why do they happen? Are there any creams from the drugstore that might help to fade them?

Responded to a report of a hit and run accident in the 100 block of Main.

Here's a look at the headlines for the Weekend edition

- City to get federal aid for ice storm

- Card skimmers hit area

- Taylor is named to prestigious post

- Red Tornadoes fall late to rival Eagles

- New softball districts see little change for CHS

Never too early for prom

Judy Stehr from Dottie’s Bridal & Formal Wear arranges a new prom display so that high schoolers can start shopping for their dresses.

Thursday afternoon Clinton Police officers confiscated a credit card skimmer at a gas station here in Clinton.
