Man charged with assaulting girlfriend

Clinton resident Robert Melvin Cometsevah, 37, is facing a felony charge of domestic assault and battery by strangulation for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend Jan. 31.

Nguyen, Jones CHS January honorees

Each month two Clinton High School seniors are recognized for their outstanding academic records and demonstrated Red Tornado school spirit.

ers seconded, so it died or lack In 1945, of a U.S. second. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Millspaugh then made British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Festival Soviet Premier Joseph t Stalin concluded their museum conference in Yalta, on the Crimean Peninsula. (Continued from P. 1)


-Theft case dismissed; perjury filed
-435  people in county on unemployment
-Survey only for those selected
-Roque earns ‘most improved’ nod
-Whirlwinds, Eagles 
set aside rivalry for a bigger moment 
-Plus see local pictures

James Edward Mayfield, 66, of Clinton, has been charged with perjury for allegedly giving conflicting testimony in a case involving the 2018 theft of a Harley Davidson motorcycle he owned.

Custer County’s unemployment rate is just slightly below the state average according to a report issued by the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission.

City Treasurer Debra Blanchard has issued a clarification of a story that appeared in Friday’s Clinton Daily News about the income survey being conducted by the City of Clinton.
