Kids give back to seniors

Ryan and Regan Schoeppach have been donating items for bingo prizes to the residents of one of the local nursing homes. Pictured front, from left, are Anna Richards, Mary Holland,

THURSDAY JANUARY 30 MEETING: Native Outreach Baptist Chapel to hold a Bible study and prayer at the Clinton Community Hall on Dog Patch Road. Meets every Thursday except for funerals

Cables stop big truck

This semi ran off the road at approximately 10:25 a.m. Tuesday near mile marker 67 on Interstate 40. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol shut down the westbound lane to remove the

Youngsters sailing their little toy boats down the ditch beside their parents’ driveway when it rains can once again breathe a little easier. So can farmers worried about their ditches

Putting the ‘D’ in 3-D

Deseree Rivera puts the finishing touches on her architectural letter project in Joy Badillo’s art class.

Cruising Frisco

Oklahoma weather is known to fluctuate, but keeping steady on these skateboards are CHS seniors Stephen Swope, left, and Timothy Allen, as they glide down the sidewalk on Frisco during
