THURSDAY JANUARY 23 MEETING: Star Spangled Quilters meet at Arapaho Assembly of God Church to work on quilts that will be given to veterans. Drop in anytime between the hours

In 1845, Congress passed an act designating that all national elections would be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. In 1849, Elizabeth Blackwell graduated from

It seems harmless enough: There’s a recycling bin at your local coffee shop or office, and you think, “What could possibly be the harm in throwing in a dirty napkin

Whether it’s your first child or you’ve been around the baby block a few times before, having an infant in your life is an unforgettable experience. While there are countless

Clinton police are investigating a report of animal cruelty that surfaced following a video being posted on social media that showed a young person torturing a small puppy. According to

Bookworm catches reading bug

Jeanette Stone, left, an avid participant in the library’s Winter Reading Program, checks out yet more books assisted by librarian Beverly Thomason. In the background is librarian Theresa Simmons. The

Good students rewarded with art

At Clinton Middle School’s “Champions Day,” Jollett Venegas gets her face painted by art teacher Edward Bacon. The event is held to reward students for good grades and attendance.

In his ongoing efforts to turn Clinton’s economy around by promoting what it has to offer, Clinton economic development director Roland Mower once again attended an event where he was
