Cast members making up the Yellow Who Family ensemble in “Seussical the Musical” include, from left, Presley Fast, Amber Nanney, Jovi Petzold, Hannah Gregory and Sophia Roush. The all-ages performance
More than 60 people representing 14 agencies participated in the search Jan. 4 and 5 for Edelia Heck, the 77-year-old Washita County woman who was missing from her home for
A survey requesting input from the community on the search for Clinton Public Schools’ next superintendent is now online, said Clinton School Board president Paul Adams, and will be available
Two more tornado shelters have been installed in Custer County, bringing the total number of families to 50 helped so far with money from a 2018 Federal Emergency Management Assistance
TUESDAY JANUARY 14 STORY TIME: Clinton Public Library holds its weekly story time for young children. For additional information call (580) 323-2165. 10 a.m.
If you’re not familiar with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC), the second most common cancer in the United States, you’re not alone. CSCC is a skin cancer that’s five times