Moyses Perez – pronounced Moses – has helped build Hobby Lobby stores all over the United States. Now he’s helping keep 65 to 70 senior citizens living at Grace Living Center in Clinton safe and comfortable as their director of maintenance.
Lupe Pina is a lifelong Clinton resident, Clinton High School graduate and currently a teller at InterBank in Clinton. She was born and raised here and graduated from CHS in 2013.
Hector Hernandez has only been out of Clinton High School since 2016, but he already has a path laid out for his future and he works hard daily to make it happen.
Born in the middle of northern Mexico, Brenda Martinez was three months old when she arrived at Clinton in April of 1985. Now she’s the mother of three herself, owns a dental assistant’s certificate from the Western Technology Center in Weatherford, and is employed here by Dr.
Since she’s worked there for 10 years now, Ayde Martinez is probably familiar to anyone who banks at Oklahoma Bank & Trust’s Clinton branch. At first she only worked part-time while working on getting a degree in a field completely different from banking.
The picnic pavilion at McLain Rogers Park was the last major structure needing a fresh coat of paint, but Clinton Beautification Committee head Steve Weichel said that task has finally been accomplished thanks to a grant from Keep Oklahoma Beautiful (KOB) and some elbow grease provided by PSO emp