This article is the fifth in a series about the City’s “Elevate Clinton” economic development plan. In the Clinton Economic Development Authority’s three-year, privately-funded economic development plan, $18,000 per year
FRIDAY JUNE 28 DANCE: American Legion dance at the Legion Hall on U.S. 183, entry by donation. 7 p.m - 10 p.m. MEETING: Clinton AA meets in the basement of
CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Observation will keep you from blurting out something that you probably should keep to yourself. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Be aware of situations that
-Roads or bridges is CED7 issue
-Economic development plan seeks to improve retail climate here
-CHS competes in seven-on-seven at Weatherford
-CHS golf tourney Sept. 7
-Preps go 2-2 in final tourney of 2019
-Plus see local pictures
This article is the fourth in a series about the City’s “Elevate Clinton” economic development plan. Retail development is part of the overall Clinton Economic Development Authority (CEDA) plan to