Three Clinton High School seniors will be valedictorians for the Class of 2019, and two CHS seniors will serve as salutatorians for their graduating class. The graduates will address their classmates at ceremonies to be held at 7 p.m. Friday, May 17, in the amphitheater at McLain Rogers Park.
Southwest Playhouse will be contributing to the list of entertainment at this year’s Route 66 Festival with a new variety show called “Theater on the Patio,” and rehearsals for the show will be held at 7 p.m. Monday and 7 p.m. Tuesday at Blakeburn Studios, 417 Frisco Ave.
In 1886, a labor demonstration in Chicago’s Haymarket Square turned violent when a bomb exploded and demonstrators began rioting.
In 1959, the first Grammy Awards were held.
The Oklahoma Insurance Department is ready to help anyone affected by the recent severe weather and is encouraging others to get ready for the next round of storms. This week, the Oklahoma Insurance Department kicked off a new preparedness program called “Get Ready.”
Latest tests on municipal water at Cordell have been very good, City Manager J.C. Moser said Wednesday. A couple of weeks ago someone complained about water quality in the southeast
Two Clinton High School seniors and one Burns Flat-Dill City senior have been selected to the President’s Leadership Class (PLC) for 2019-2020 at Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford. Members
The City of Clinton Beautification Committee wants to remind the community of a volunteer sign-up event to be held at 9 a.m. Saturday in front of the Acme Brick Park