Billy Dewane Unruh, loving husband, son, brother, nephew, uncle, and friend passed away July 20, 2020, after a short and courageous battle with cancer.
Billy was born on July 26, 1970, in Oklahoma City, OK to Vernie Barker-Unruh and Maynard Unruh. He was the youngest and only son of three children. He attended high school in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Billy was saved and baptized in October 1986.
In 2005, Billy married Amy, and they resided in Oklahoma City. Billy was a Foreman of Installations for Traffic Signals in Edmond, OK.
Billy loved the outdoors and spent many nights under the stars near a lake or river. He enjoyed reading and spent many hours studying his Cherokee heritage. He was a great craftsman, loved working with his carpenter tools, and was known for his homemade dream catchers. He was a friend and helper to anyone in need. He was a gift to us all and his infectious smile will be missed.
Billy was preceded in death by his father Maynard Dewane Maynard Dewane Unruh and his stepmother Unruh and his stepmother Mary Unruh. Mary Unruh. Billy is survived by Billy is survived by his wife Amy Unruh his wife Amy Unruh of Clinton, OK; mother of Clinton, OK; mother Vernie Barton of Vernie Barton of Clinton, OK; sisters, Clinton, OK; sisters, Rena Dalke and Rena Dalke and husband Earl Dalke husband Earl Dalke of Hugo, OK; Bobbie of Hugo, OK; Bobbie Unruh of Clinton OK; Unruh of Clinton OK; sister-in-law Jammie sister-in-law Jammie Mullins of Clinton, Mullins of Clinton, OK; mother-in-law OK; mother-in-law Polly McClung of Polly McClung of Clinton, OK; aunt Clinton, OK; aunt Rosa Gross of Sada Rosa Gross of Sadalia, lia, MO; and many MO; and many nephews, nieces, nephews, nieces, cousins as well as cousins as well as many great nephews, many great nephews, nieces, aunts, and nieces, aunts, and cousins. cousins.
Funeral services Funeral services will be at 10am, will be at 10am, Sunday, July 26th, his Sunday, July 26th, his birthday, at Ingram, birthday, at Ingram, Smith & Turner Mortuary, Smith & Turner Mortuary, 201 E. Main St. 201 E. Main St. Yukon, OK. Visitation Yukon, OK. Visitation will be held Saturday, will be held Saturday, July 25th from 10 July 25th from 10 AM - 5 PM at Ingram, AM - 5 PM at Ingram, Smith & Turner Mortuary. Smith & Turner Mortuary.