Disasters can alter a family’s normal routine with little warning. Neighborhood streets can be closed because of large debris or downed power lines. Suddenly, an area that is a familiar part of a normal daily routine is now unrecognizable.

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DEAR ABBY: My husband went to his 45th class reunion a state away and hooked up with a classmate. Over the next few months it went from talking and texting to her sending him nude pictures of herself.

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the implementation status of the 2018 Farm Bill. President Trump signed this Farm Bill into law on Dec. 20, 2018, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) promptly began implementation of key programs.

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Corn Bible Academy choir members recently returned from their 2019 Choir Tour, during which they delivered several performances and saw sites in Texas, Kansas and Colorado. Pictured, front row from left, are Mrs. Brianna Bull, Colombia Castro, Kaysa Carpenter, Molli Henderson and Mr.

With a May 17 deadline approaching, the group “Pheasants and Quail Forever” is encouraging farmers and ranchers to consider utilizing a federal program that provides financial and technical assistance to establish habitat that benefits monarch butterflies, pollinators and other wildlife.

Attorney General Mike Hunter released the following statement after a hearing in the state’s case against opioid manufacturers, where Cleveland County District Judge Thad Balkman ruled the state’s public nuisance claim will be tried before him, rather than a jury.

The Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association will host Beef Quality Assurance Training on Friday, May 3 at Heritage Place in Oklahoma City.

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Monday’s tournaments for the Clinton golf team brought new challenges with both teams competing against state tournament-level programs at the state previews.
