Today is the 188th day of 2023 and the 17th day of summer.
The last year has shown the power of a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court. Conservatives had a 5-4 majority for years and were not able to overturn Roe v. Wade or get rid of affirmative action. Now, with a six-member majority, half of them appointed by former President Donald Trump, the conservative block on the Court has done both those things and more.
DEAR HARRIETTE: When I was married to a wealthy man, I had a lot of friends. However, after the divorce, it seems like I lost most of them. I find it really difficult to deal with because these friends meant a lot to me, and we had a long history. Most of these women knew me before I was wealthy, so I don't understand why they would be acting this way now. My lifestyle has changed since the divorce, and I feel I am left with only a few close friends. How can I deal with my new reality? — Friendless DEAR FRIENDLESS: Sadly, when people divorce, they often shed friends. People choose one spouse over the other. If you were friends with couples, some may not want to stay connected to single people.
Everything I know about Russia, I learned from Fyodor Dostoevsky and Winston Churchill. Last week's melodramatic events there reminded me of scenes of drunken chaos in 'Demons,' the Russian novelist's prophetic (and wellnigh unreadable) 1872 novel, with today's two bloody-handed gangsters named Putin and Prigozhin as protagonists.
O il, transmission fluid, brake fluid and coolant can all leak out of your car and contribute to water pollution over time. But it can be nearly impossible to know if your car is dripping chemicals onto the road when you drive. To test your car for leaks, simply flatten a few large cardboard boxes and place them under your car at night when it's parked in a clean, non-windy space (like inside a garage). Check the cardboard the next day for spots and stains to see if your car is leaking.
DEAR HARRIETTE: This summer is the busiest one I have ever had. I am in a wedding, working, trying to spend time with my friends and family, and also leaving some time to rest throughout all the activities I have planned. I am starting to realize how expensive it is to manage and pay for all these aspects of my summer. I want to save up some money before I go back to school, but since my job is part-time, I am worried that I am not making enough to enjoy my summer the way I planned and still have a significant amount of savings.