Busy student wants to make time for friends

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am taking summer classes and working this summer to advance my studies and make some money. While I am proud of myself for using my time in ways that will benefit me in the future, I feel a bit left out from my friends.

(AP) — The name of the synagogue, Tree of Life, has almost become shorthand for the tragedy. Yet it highlights a symbol from the Bible that has transformed over time, coming to represent how the human and the divine relate through revelation. In Jewish Scripture and Jewish thought, the tree of life speaks to fundamental aspects of what it means to be human in the world.

Why did Donald Trump do it?

There are a lot of questions surrounding the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump, which alleges that after leaving the White House, Trump kept secret national defense information he was not legally allowed to possess. Questions like: Did Trump, as president, have the authority to decide what to keep and what to give to the National Archives after leaving office? And just how sensitive were the documents he kept? And even if Trump lacked the specific authority, and the papers were sensitive, has the Justice Department overreached by charging Trump with 37 felonies?

Partner has strained relationship with parents

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am in a relationship with someone who doesn't have a good relationship with their parents — they haven't spoken in four years. I have noticed that when I speak to my parents, it creates a weird mood between my partner and me. The other day, my mother called to check in on me — which is normal for her since I just moved away from home — and my partner made a comment about my mother being overly concerned. They even went as far as to ask if I find it annoying when my parents check in on me. This caught me off guard because I don't see why I would ever be annoyed by my parents wanting to ensure my safety. Could this be a huge problem for us later on? — Projecting DEAR PROJECTING: Yes, it could be a problem in the future. Before you dump your partner, though, start talking to them about your life as you learn about theirs.

Friend keeps trying to wear my clothes

DEAR HARRIETTE: My friend, who is significantly heavier than me, keeps insisting that we're the same size. I don't think she means to offend me, but she's a very large person, and she probably has more than 50 pounds on me. I don't mind that she's heavier, but what bothers me is that she keeps trying to wear my clothes and acts surprised when they don't fit her.

Read the indictment before judging

Just how frightened are normal people supposed to be? Has the time come to bring the dogs inside, shut the blinds, fasten the deadbolts, wear body armor and prop a shotgun by the door?

Words of wisdom for Father’s Day

John Quincy Adams learned the rudiments of politics from his father, who preceded him as president by two dozen years. Calvin Coolidge was sworn into the presidency by his father, who administered the oath of office by the light of an oil lamp at 2:47 on a Vermont morning. John F. Kennedy was shaped by his father, a tycoonturned- ambassador.
