Mandates scarce in rural communities

It was business as usual this week in Watonga, a city of fewer than 3,000 residents known for its fall cheese festival. If someone tests positive, “then we’ll decide if we’ll do anything,” Watonga Mayor Gary Olsen said. “We’ll probably follow the federal and state guidelines for closing restaurants and the one bar in town.”

Couple’s views on one issue diverge, threaten future

DEAR ABBY: After an abusive relationship ended 14 years ago, I stayed single and raised my small son to adulthood. I dated here and there, but never found anyone I had serious feelings for who also felt the same way about me until seven months ago.

Older adults still need regular exercise

Dear Doctor: Our dad is 78 years old, and he has started spending a lot more time indoors and on his recliner. He’s in good health, but he says he’s getting too old for exercise to matter. What can we say to persuade him to become active again?

Jeanne Phillips

DEAR ABBY: I have had a serious boyfriend for six months. He’s wonderful, a dream come true. But I find myself more depressed and suicidal than ever. Mom tells me I don’t have any reason to be depressed since I have a boyfriend. It’s like she thinks I have no right to still be despondent over my twin’s death because I now have a significant other.

Dr. Eve Glazier

Dear Doctor: I keep reading about something called “resistant starch.” People are saying I should get it into my diet. Why is it so important? How much do I need?

Harriette Cole

DEAR HARRIETTE: I feel like I am turning into my grandmother. I am in my 50s, and I have many of the chronic diseases that she has had since about my age. I am not proud of that, but it’s true.

Mike Hyman

Private funeral services for Mike Hyman, 56, Hammon resident formerly of Clinton, will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, March 23, 2020 in the Clinton Church of Christ, officiated by Patrick Peters. Burial will conclude in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home.

Allan Livingston

Private funeral services for Allan Livingston, 84, Clinton, officiated by Patrick Peters. Burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home.

David M. Shribman

The Greatest Generation is the one that conquered the Great Depression and then won the Second World War. It created the strongest consumer culture that ever existed. It set the United States on its path to world power and unprecedented prosperity. It did so with ingenuity and intelligence, to be sure, but it also did it with courage, grit, sacrifice and hope.
