COPD most often associated with smoking, lung irritation

Dear Doctor: I’m 66 years old, and I seem to be of an age at which the people I know are being diagnosed with COPD. I’ve heard it mentioned in TV ads, but I still don’t really understand what it is. Who gets COPD? Is there a cure?

Dr. Eve Glazier

Dear Doctor: Everybody’s suddenly talking about how it’s important to eat some walnuts every day. Who decided that? Why is Serving there the always finest a in new Mexican-American food fad? cuisin

Hariette Cole

DEAR HARRIETTE: My friend and I used to be very close until she moved back home to take care of her ailing mother (who has since died). Honestly, she seems stuck. She is of retirement age, though she still needs to work, so 310 she S. does 4th St. odd • (580) jobs 323- here and there.

It was concerning to learn this week about how many people in Clinton weren’t counted in the 2010 census.

Byron York

Yes, Democrats are divided over Bernie Sanders' revolution versus Joe Biden's restoration of status quo Obama. Yes, they are divided over what that means in terms of policy, like Sanders' Medicare for All versus Biden's tweaked Obamacare.

Steven V. Roberts

President Trump is treating the coronavirus as a public relations problem, not a medical problem; a question of spin, not science. He's focusing on the threat to his own political health, not the threat to Americans' physical health. And that is deeply dangerous.

Jeanne Phillips

DEAR ABBY: A short time ago, I experienced a terrible loss. I came home from work one evening and found “Martin,” my boyfriend of almost 17 years, dead at the bottom of the stairs. I later found out he had been drinking.

Aunt determines to keep girl safe from abusive relatives

DEAR ABBY: One of my husband’s sisters has eight kids, ranging from 15 months to 20 years old. She hasn’t taken care of any of them for more than three years. They never saw a doctor, they didn’t have food in the house, and she was abusive.
