Overbearing mom stifles grown daughter

DEAR HARRIETTE: Even though I am a college student, I still live with my mother; it’s much cheaper than living in a dorm. I may be an adult, but every time I go out, I have to tell my mom where I am going. If I am planning on being out late, I have to tell her how long I will be.

With the right games, toys and activities onhand, playtime can pull double duty, being an opportunity both to have fun and help kids reach important milestones.

To build the following skills, consider incorporating the following ideas into your child’s playtime.

Screen time is a hot topic for parents and researchers alike. While digital devices are the norm, and children can certainly use them to their benefit, parents can also help children learn healthy digital habits.

Best friend can’t suppress his crush on gay woman

DEAR ABBY: I am a gay woman. My male best friend has had a crush on me for more than a year. It is so intense that he is almost delusional. We have talked extensively about it. He knows where I stand and that it will never happen, and he says he accepts that. But he can’t stand the thought of me spending time with a woman, even if it’s just a friend. He wants all of my time and doesn’t want to share me, even with mutual friends.

Conservative uncle, liberal aunts not talking

DEAR HARRIETTE: There has been a lot of growing tension amongst my family members. My family is normally easygoing and eccentric; however, lately things have been a bit toned down. One such incident that sparked this awkward tension is when my uncle openly stated his conservative political views. He made some pretty extreme comments to my aunts, who are all liberal. They had a huge fight, which led to screaming at the top of their lungs. Thankfully, the argument subsided after a while, but afterward, they have been talking less frequently. What can they do so that they can carry on the bond they once had and settle their differences? — In the Middle

The majority of the more than 25 million Americans living with asthma enjoy active, healthy lives. But for others, despite using high dose asthma medicines and avoiding triggers, severe symptoms are a part of daily life.

Old school bully reaches out to woman

DEAR HARRIETTE: When my friend was in elementary school, there was this boy in my class who would constantly harass her. His bullying was so severe she was almost always crying and would ditch weeks of school just to avoid him.

Ministrokes require immediate medical care

Dear Doctor: Our mom had half of her face go numb for a few minutes, and she also had trouble speaking. She went to the doctor and was told she had a ministroke. What is that? Is it dangerous?

The House Utilities Committee passed legislation to prevent telemarketers from replicating phone numbers and misrepresenting the origin of a phone call.
