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The email was signed "Worried Wife," and contained a blunt version of a question Bronwyn Lea has heard many times while working with women in and around churches.

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DEAR ABBY: I have never been in love before, and I have just learned the man I’m seeing is a former felon. It was nothing having to do with sexual violence or killing anyone. I’m afraid if my family finds out, they will judge him. He works seven days a week and lives in a shelter because most places don’t want to rent to felons. He treats me good and takes me out for dinners.

Unemployed reader asked not to apply for job

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have been looking for work for about a year. Throughout this period, I have been talking to a few close friends about my search, as they are also looking for work. Recently, one friend told me about a job she is interviewing for that seems perfect for me.

Teen in sketchy situation resists efforts to help her

DEAR ABBY: My 15-year-old granddaughter has lived for the past several years in an environment with adults who have done drugs, can’t or won’t keep a job and are in and out of jail. I want her to have a better life, and I try to explain what a responsible adult life looks like.

Shingles vaccination is needed for older patients

Dear Doctor: My daughter took her kids to the pediatrician the other day for their chickenpox vaccinations. Now, because I had chickenpox as a child, she’s after me to get a shingles vaccine. What is shingles, and what’s the connection to chickenpox?

Shower guest questions need for giving bride a second gift

DEAR ABBY: My niece on my husband’s side was engaged to be married two years ago. There was a bridal shower, and everyone gave gifts or gift cards. Two weeks after the shower, the wedding was canceled because of the groomto-be’s infidelities. The shower gifts and gift cards were never returned nor was anyone reimbursed.

Residents of nursing homes, assisted living centers or residential care facilities may have common complaints such as quality of food served, temperature of the facility, lack of engaging activities, concerns about finances or how staff interacts with residents. Concerns are as varied as the population of the facilities, but once all the information is in place, remediation of most complaints is easy.

Man facing second divorce mulls reunion with first wife

DEAR ABBY: I was married to a wonderful, beautiful woman when we were much younger. We got married because of an unplanned pregnancy. After some years, we both had grown in different directions, and we divorced. We remained friends even after I remarried.

Friends want kids to stay with same race

ar DEAR HARRIETTE: I hung out with some friends and got an earful. My friends said that even though their children go to a predominantly white school, they have told their children that they had better not bring any white girls home as a date or to marry. They were adamant about this, completely unapologetic in their belief that their black children had better marry black. They went on to talk about the history of racism and segregation in our country as reasons for why they want their children to stick with their own. While I understand their point, I don’t like this attitude and don’t think it’s fair, considering that they have surrounded their kids with white people. What is your opinion on this? — Racial Lines
