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My house looks like the set of "Antiques Roadshow" – if the show was about useless, outdated junk instead of precious heirlooms.

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DEAR ABBY: I just started dating an amazing guy. He is sweet, funny and handsome, but I don’t feel as strongly for him as he does for me. Maybe it’s too early in the relationship for me to be worried about feelings, or maybe as much as I want to have deep feelings for him, I don’t.

If you’re like most people, finding the time for exercise can be as challenging as the exercise itself. But you don’t have to carve an hour out of your schedule—a

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DEAR HARRIETTE: I have a neighbor I used to be close with, growing up in the same apartment building, but we grew apart when we got older. I want to

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DEAR HARRIETTE: I feel like I am constantly making mistakes in love. I am 23 years old, and I have had a few bad relationships. They started out OK, but
