About the time we think common sense has long left Washington, D.C., our own U.S. Sen. James Lankford is proving us wrong.

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Why haven't efforts to impeach President Trump gained Watergate-style momentum? The lack of energy has created a sense of bafflement and disappointment among some of the president's most determined adversaries. But there are some simple reasons for it. Here are three:

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DEAR ABBY: My ex-husband and I have been divorced for five years. I have sole custody of our 6-year-old son, “Charlie.” My ex lives five hours away with his current wife and her four children. He makes time to see our son only a few times a year.

There are new brands of all-purpose body, hair and face bar soaps hitting the market that do a wonderful job of getting you clean without the waste of plastic bottles in the shower. But over time, bar soaps of any kind break down and get soggy.

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Dear Doctor: Could energy drinks really lead to stimulant use? How can that be? No one’s ever linked coffee or cola consumption to an increased risk of drug abuse. This sounds like some kind of urban legend.

Every day your liver works tirelessly to support over 500 essential bodily functions, including storing energy, neutralizing harmful toxins, converting nutrients for absorption and acting as a filtration system. If
