First place

Western Oklahoma Christian School 4-H Junior Team Members Coit Collins, left, and Paige Sewell received first place at the Custer County Demonstration and Impressive Dress event held last week. They took first place with the demonstration on the topic of buoyancy.

Corn Bible Academy took first place in Saturday’s Class A State Academic Tournament at Rose State College in Midwest City. Pictured from left are Cameron Moran, Samantha Rother, Luke Zybach and August Drobrinski. CDN | Courtesy photo

Corn Bible Academy took first place in the Class A State Academic Tournament held Saturday at Rose State College in Midwest City, scoring an average of 230 points per game on its way to the state title.

Go, fight, win!

Clinton High School cheerleaders pump the crowd up during the Reds’ recent basketball game against Bethany in the Tornado Dome. From left are Bella Bridgeman, Jaycee Rodebush, Presley Evans and Addison Newcomb.

According to Clinton Animal Control Officer Heather Estrada, a skunk found dead on the north side of Clinton has been confirmed as a positive case of rabies.

The proposed Citizen Information Rule approved by the Oklahoma State Board of Education Wednesday has worried a few people in regard to yearly student enrollment and citizenship.

River Hayden, 29, of Bay St. Louis, Miss., was arrested Jan. 22 on the charges of possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and endeavoring to manufacture a controlled dangerous substance.

With Clinton Regional Hospital potentially having official new ownership once a contract is enacted, CEO Len Lacefield plans to bring in doctors to provide new services and possibly reassign nurses. With payroll being one of the largest expenses for the hospital that has been to this point relying on loans from the City of Clinton to operate, Lacefield talked about how expansion can begin to take place before new ownership begins.

Clinton Technical Applications Program Director Tanner Wheeler speaks about career pathways at Wednesday’s Clinton Chamber of Commerce Membership Luncheon. CDN | Michael Maresh

At Wednesday’s Clinton Chamber of Commerce Membership Luncheon Clinton Supt. Tyler Bridges, Clinton Technical Applications Program Director Tanner Wheeler and Career Pathway Director Debbie Carlisle talked about programs they are offering students to provide them with both opportunities and experiences.
