Inside the Clinton Fire Department’s fire station are, from left, James Corbridge, Drezden Corbridge, Eagle Scout candidate Joseph Corbridge, and Fire Chief Brett Russell.
Inside the Clinton Fire Department’s fire station are, from left, James Corbridge, Drezden Corbridge, Eagle Scout candidate Joseph Corbridge, and Fire Chief Brett Russell.

Boy Scout Troop 361 member Joseph Corbridge is turning to the Clinton community for help with his Eagle Scout Service Project, which he’s calling “Komfort for Kids.” He’s collecting new and slightlyloved small stuffed animals for Clinton fire fighters, who can in turn give them away to comfort and calm young children who are sometimes caught up in traumatic events.

He will be collecting stuffed animals at the intersection of Sixth Street and Frisco Avenue from 6:30-8:30 p.m. this evening, during the Chamber of Commerce’s Dragging Main event. He’ll also be at the same intersection from 10 a.m. until

4 p.m. tomorrow, in conjunction with the Clinton Fire Department.

Corbridge has been in Scouts since first grade, when he began as a Cub Scout. Now a senior at Clinton High School, he’d originally planned on conducting his Eagle Scout project later this summer. But those plans had to be bumped up when he learned recently that he’ll be shipping out for basic training at the end of May.

The stuffed animal donations will be thoroughly sanitized with disinfectant, he said. They will then be vacuum packed, which will not only ensure that they remain clean but it will also make it easy to store several at a time on CFD’s fire trucks. Depending on how many donations are received, any surplus stuffed toys will be distributed to other first responders and agencies within Custer County, said Corbridge.