After school swinging

Hadley Meget, left, Sydnee Pugh and Laney Anderson sit together on a swing at Mc- Clain Rogers Park during a cool afternoon. CDN

Here is a look at Tuesday's headlines

- Man charged with beating pregnant wife

- Food drive looking for recipients

- Murder verdict returned for Carnegie man

- Frank Russell obituary

- State deaths

- Reds advance due to COVID forfeit

Keeping Santa fresh

City of Clinton Public Works Director Leonard Jackson gives Santa’s beard a new coat of paint before placing it at the Frisco Center. CDN

Food drive looking for recipients

The Shepherd Home Health and Hospice Seventh annual Food Drive wrapped up on Friday, but the organization is still looking for possible food basket recipients.

Last week a Carnegie man was found guilty of premeditated murder and assault causing serious bodily injury in Indian country by a federal jury in the Western District of Oklahoma.

Assisted Clinton Police Department with fight with weapons at 16 and Hunt.

Today is the 329th day of 2020 and the 64th day of autumn.

VA clinic help

Clinton VA Clinic LPN Jeanette Sikes takes notes down as veteran Christopher Gramar, who was in the Air Force from 2001-2007, stands to get his weight checked. CDN
