The Oklahoma State Department of Health, in partnership with the Oklahoma State Department of Education, has updated its “Return to Learn” guidance supporting a safe return to inperson learning for Oklahoma schools.

Spinning with strength

At the new playground at McLain Rogers, Gwen Prairiechief spins her family and friends on the global motion ball structure.

The 2020 Oklahoma Book Festival, scheduled for Nov. 14, has been cancelled by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and festival organizers due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

With recent rains driving nut development, pecan growers should be watching their orchards for signs of pecan weevil activity.

Teachers from Southwest, Washington and Nance elementary schools in Clinton are invited to participate in a free, online English as a Second Language certification exam prep course as part of the Teachers of English Learners Pilot Project coordinated by the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence, a nonprofit that supports public schools.

Ga-ga ball

Chloe Rodriguez leans forward to strike the ball at an opponent in order to be the last standing in a game of Ga-ga ball.

US Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Jim Inhofe (R-OK) this week introduced a Senate Resolution honoring the accomplishments and recognizing the 90th birthday of fellow Oklahoman, General Thomas P. Stafford.

Rain check

Steve Stermer checks what the precipitation amounts will be for the week on his wireless rain gauge out by his backyard.

In 2019, 21 steers were donated to participate in the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation Steer Carcass Challenge. The Steer Carcass Challenge is designed to provide an opportunity to donate to the OCF while creating a venue for friendly competition based on performance and carcass merit of cattle.
