What started out as a special city council meeting on Thursday has now been changed to an emergency meeting on Wednesday in order to change the upcoming filing dates for mayor, and Ward 2 and Ward 4 council seats.

Oklahoma is one of only three states in the U.S. that offers free parking to its state park visitors, but that ends on June 15. To help fund improvements and maintenance to facilities and infrastructure, on Monday the Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department will begin charging for parking at its 22 state-owned parks — including Foss State Park.

Combine in motion

Area wheat farmers are active getting their crop cut. Wheat is being cut here in the photo above south of Clinton off U.S. Highway 183. CDN

Action taken by the Legislature last month to protect Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) funding for the next fiscal year, which begins in July, has allowed ODOT to proceed with plans to repair or replace structurally deficient roads and bridges throughout the state.

Coalition of neighbors gather for Black Lives Matter march

Just as many other communities have done this week all across the U.S., Clinton residents gathered on Saturday to protest the recent murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minn., and to show their support for the Black Lives Matter movement. A few hundred protesters marched from Eastside Academy to an empty lot across from Clinton Police Department, where speakers addressed the assembled crowd.

Rainbow of friends, neighbors protested shoulder-to-shoulder

Several hundred people from neighborhoods throughout Clinton gathered on Saturday to show their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, and to protest the recent death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis, Minn.

Legislation allowing Oklahoma courts to grant guardians the power to consent to withdrawing or withholding lifesustaining procedures through a separate order has been signed into law by the governor.
