Gov. Reggie Wassana

To help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health of tribal members, employees and casino guests, the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes announced this week that all Lucky Star Casino locations are closed until April 2. The tribe is also paying all employees, tribal government and casino employees their regular salary for two weeks. All essential service employees and offices will continue to provide services.

Following is a list of churches, schools, government offices and facilities, and local businesses that have notified Clinton Daily News of operational changes being made at this time in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Census still ongoing

Lindy Rivera of Opportunities, Inc. is available to help people register for the Census. Since many senior citizens don’t have computers at home, as long as they have their packet she is also able to help over the phone.

Beginning March 17, 2020, Oklahoma Human Services (OKDHS) began accepting online applications for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Energy Crisis Assistance Program (ECAP) at

As Oklahomans work together to aggressively stop the spread of COV- ID-19, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) is issuing and strengthening guidelines for child care facilities. At this time, child care providers will remain a critical function in the state to address demands from health care workers, front line responders, grocer employees and other critical industries.

CBA vocalists to attend State

The Corn Bible Academy Crusader Choir received Superior ratings at the District Choir Contest at Northwestern Oklahoma State University and will be going to State Choir Contest at Oklahoma Baptist University in April. Pictured, front row from left, Mr. Charles Regier, Katelyn Gossen, Emili Henderson, Isaiah Thiessen, Ert Wongpakdee, Brendan Miller, Sophia Schmidt, Molli Henderson, and Crusader Choir Director Briana Bull; middle row, Paulina Hernandez, Jacie Redcay, Joe Martinez, Blake Brewer, Andrew Koscheski, Ethan Orr, Audra Fowble, and Kaysa Carpenter; and back row, Abigayle Reimer, Corn; Zach Potter, Canute; Harrison Penner, Weatherford; Cooper Brittain, Clinton; and Kennedy Listak, Clinton.

Child care asked not to close

As cities move to shut down public spaces, bars, restaurants and workplaces in response to COVID-19, and schools have been shuttered for at least three weeks, daycare centers are one of the few businesses to receive the opposite message: Please stay open.

Lyle Love Jr. to Love Cabana Properties, LLC, WD. Lot 18, Weatherford Industrial Sub.
