State Rep. Tom Gann (R- Inola) issued the following statement in response to the plan to allow legislators to consider and vote on bills without being present at the Capitol:

Senior Master Sgt. Michael Vargas (retired) and House Speaker Pro Tempore Harold Wright. CDN | Courtesy Photo

Senior Master Sgt. Michael Vargas (retired), Custer County business owner, was recognized this week by House Speaker Pro Tempore Harold Wright (R-Weatherford) in the Oklahoma House of Representatives at the State Capitol.

Thursday morning the Oklahoma State Department of Health confirmed the first case of coronavirus reported for Custer County.

It was not known where the person afflicted lived within the county.

The Clinton City Council met in emergency session before noon Thursday to determine the City of Clinton’s COVID-19 virus policy.

After more than an hour of debate that was contentious at times, the council approved Resolution 900 by a 4-1 vote.

Route 66 Museum making best of required down time

Shut down due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, Route 66 Museum Director Pat Smith and a few volunteers are making the best of the situation by getting caught up on a few projects that had been put on hold for a while.

Schools looking for answers

Even after participating in a conference call this week with Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister, Clinton Public Schools Superintendent Kevin Hime said there are still a lot of unanswered questions about how school districts should proceed in their response to what

Teachers receive CPSF grant

Washington Elementary math and science teachers were awarded a Clinton Public School Foundation grant for the school’s annual STEM night.


SENIOR EVENT: Grocery shopping. For a ride call (580) 309-3467. 8:30 a.m.

MEETING: Clinton AA meets in the basement of United Methodist Church, 1001 Frisco Ave. 8 p.m.


Use of storm shelters this spring questioned

When tornadoes and severe storms threaten communities this spring, residents may find their public storm shelters are not open.

They may also find they’re less willing to hurry to their neighbors’ house to protect themselves by crowding into their underground shelter.
