Students attend engineering fair

Arapaho-Butler Technology Design students Aiden Casas, left, and Brock Walker attended the Oklahoma Engineering Fair held at the science museum in Oklahoma City. Walker won the ping pong ball launcher contest.

Carlisle awarded CPSF grant

Clinton Public School Foundation president Donna Rother, left, presents a spring grant check to Clinton High School teacher Debbie Carlisle. The funds will be used to create an “ACT Escape Room,” to be used as a study aid for students taking the ACT.

Attorney General Mike Hunter has announced the state’s price gouging statute is in effect statewide following Pres. Donald Trump’s emergency declaration regarding COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus.

Parents struggling with the question of how to prepare children for the COVID-19 threat probably already have plenty of experience to tap into, Oklahoma State University professor Laura HubbsTait said.

Making preparations

School maintenance worker Bradley Rhodes operates the district’s Clorox-360 disinfecting machine in the band hall at Clinton High School.


State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister called an emergency meeting of the State Board of Education for 4 p.m. Monday to authorize the closure of all Oklahoma schools beginning March 17 and lasting until April 6.

It’s a jungle out there

Kids from Clinton’s Big Five Head Start program who dressed up as animals for “Dr. Seuss Week” included, front row from left (sitting), Mahi Patel as Minnie Mouse; Evalina Martinez, bunny; and Giovanni Hernandez, dinosaur; and back row, Thiago Mitchell, raccoon, Maricel Bonilla, Minnie Mouse; and Jonathan Gonzales as a tiger.

Associate District Judge Jill Weedon greeted visitors with a tape measure during Monday’s Custer County Commissioners Meeting in Courtroom 1 of the Custer County Courthouse in Arapaho.
