Following guidance issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, skilled nursing facilities and long-term care facilities in Clinton have suspended all medically unnecessary visits indefinitely while the state works to contain the COVID-19 virus.

New park playground in the wings

Dismantling an old swing set at McLain Rogers Park to make room for some new playground equipment are City of Clinton employees Dave Wedel, at left, and Charles Jones.

If a pair of pants is suddenly feeling too snug around the waist, hips, thighs or anywhere else, there’s no need to discard or donate right away. Instead, you can reshape the pants yourself at home in minutes.

An emergency State Board of Education was to be conducted at 4 p.m. today to authorize closure of all Oklahoma schools. The closure period was expected to begin March 17 and last until at least April 6.

CDN I Robert S. Bryan Mail carrier Jimmy Ferrero delivers a U.S. Census form to Clinton resident Randy Jones and his daughter, fifth-grader Esme Jones.

U.S. Census forms are beginning to arrive at Clinton addresses this week, and to avoid an in-person visit from a Census worker people are asked to return them before April 30. Because a correct population count has important longterm implications for the community, the City of Clinton, Chamber of Commerce, and the Clinton Economic Development Authority (CEDA) are making computers available at the Frisco Center for those who may not have access to the Internet.

Clinton Schools is currently following recommendations from OSDH, CDC and Governor’s office; no changes are planned to class/activity schedules but situation is being closely monitored.

Kids get western-style taxi service

Taking advantage of a recent warm afternoon this week, two women took horses to pick up their kids from Big Five Head Start in Clinton. From left are Whitney Carpenter, Blake Ringer, Mason Ringer and Sierra Ringer.

According to a statement released by Clinton School Board President Paul Adams, board members are getting close to making a final decision in their search for a new superintendent to replace Kevin Hime when he steps down on June 30.
