Southwestern Oklahoma State University Jazz Ensembles A & B will celebrate the music of jazz icons Doug Beach and Bill Holman at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Fine Arts Center Auditorium on the Weatherford campus.

Volunteers work on playground

During the Clinton First cleanup event held Saturday, from left, Mark Minor, Ken Baker and Ken Ventris make repairs to the wooden swing set on the children’s playground at Acme Brick Park.

Supporters of traditional Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma ratcheted up pressure on Gov. Kevin Stitt recently to schedule a vote on State Question 802.

Young sailors in the making

At the “Clinton Cardboard Classic” racing competition at the Water Zoo are fifth-graders, from left, Azule Uribe, Alexys Talmantes, Reese Giblet, Maya Garcia and Brylie Driskill, ready to put their boat made of cardboard and duct tape into the waters.

If you’re taking on a DIY painting project in your home, you may think buying a “low VOC” (which is short for volatile organic compounds) paint is the healthiest and greenest option out there. But the reality is, almost all household paints are technically “low” VOC.

Artist at work

Nance Elementary student Frida Garcia works on an art project in class.
