Reading celebrated with pajamas

Students in Angela Arney’s Head Start reading program read more than 300 books and celebrated with a “pajama day.” Pictured are, front row from left, Keilah Malone, Aaron Mendieta, Jakelyn

In 1790, President George Washington gave the first State of the Union address. In 1877, Crazy Horse lost his final battle against the U.S. Cavalry at Wolf Mountain in Montana

Oklahoma Gross Receipts to the Treasury for calendar year 2019 paint the picture of a sound, but slowing state economy, State Treasurer Randy McDaniel announced. Gross receipts during all of

When state legislators eliminated the refund-ability of the state earned income tax credit (EITC) in 2016, more than 200,000 low-to-moderate income families lost an important tool to make ends meet.

Farm Bureau donates books

Rhonda Scott, left, Arapaho librarian, and Sharla Waltrip of the Custer County Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Team hold books donated by the Farm Bureau to five school libraries: Nance Elementary,

Artistic friends

Nance artist Beth Gichuki, left, is assisted by Clinton High School artist Michelle Nguyen.

Outstanding students recognized at WTC

Clinton High School students attending classes at Western Technology Center’s Sayre campus who received awards for outstanding performance this semester are, from left, Angel Velasco and Jorge Rodriguez, Welding students;

Southwest Elementary students excel

Southwest Elementary students-of-the-month included, from left, Alexa Villa, Baylor Brittain, Seth Scott, Addyli Balderas, Edgar Villegas and Jimmy Boomershine.
