TUESDAY OCTOBER 15 STORY TIME: Clinton Public Library holds its weekly story time for young children. For additional information call (580) 323-2165. 10 a.m. REVIVAL: Native American Baptist Chapel will

In 1917, infamous spy Mata Hari was executed by a firing squad outside Paris. In 1990, Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2003, China

Choosing the perfect pet for your family begins with doing your homework beforehand to determine the age, size and temperament of your ideal dog or cat. The whole family can

Dads to root relationships with flowers

Nance Elementary is holding a special project for “dads and dudes” to spend time with their kids, meet other dads, and beautify the school at the same time, said Principal Janalyn Taylor. At 5 p.m.

A felony charge of embezzlement has been filed against a former Weatherford man who was allegedly paid $6,000 in advance 15 months ago to do some home repairs that were never done.

The suspect is Terry Nelson, 36, believed to be living now in Williston, N.D.

Eugene Hall, one of the coordinators for this year’s Clinton Veteran’s Day Parade, said Tuesday it will be held at 4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 11.

As usual, the parade will go east on Frisco Avenue from Tenth Street to Fifth.

Custer County Officers host fellows

Custer County elected officers played host Thursday to those from 18 neighboring counties at the annual meeting of the Northwest District County Officers and Directors Association held at the Frisco Center in Clinton.

Details of two auto accidents resulting in injuries, one on U.S. Highway 183 north of Cordell and the other east of Sayre on Interstate 40, were released Thursday by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol.
