WOCS students do patriotic duty

Teacher Erin Funk, center, teaches Western Oklahoma Christian School sixth-graders how to fold the American flag. From left are Kate Stewart, Devyn Walters, Braden Davey, Josh Valencia, Rachel Red and

Sentinel resident John King, 57, was killed Monday morning when the driver of an agricultural sprayer failed to yield at a stop sign and pulled in front of him. King

Approximately 100 people from 19 counties are expected in Clinton tomorrow (Thursday) for the annual meeting of the Northwest Oklahoma Counties and Deputies Association. It will be held at the

Mock trial conference well attended

Clinton students hold an informal mock trial during the Mock Trial Conference held at the Frisco Center this week. Participating are, from left, Dylan Graybill as the bailiff; District Judge

CBA royalty chosen

Corn Bible Academy Homecoming King and Queen for 2019 are Brendan Miller and Reagan Russell.

Clinton Police Chief Paul Rinkel said a social media post that was made Sunday could have been interpreted as a possible threat toward local schools but it was “found to

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9 SENIOR EVENT: Quilting at the Senior Citizens Center. This event is open to all seniors. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. MEETING: Al-Anon New Beginnings will be hosted at First

Retirement reception held for Jarrell

Clinton Veterans Center outgoing administrator Brenda Jarrell shows off a cake that was specially decorated for her retirement reception. With her are Stephanie Taylor, left, incoming administrator, and Stacey Holden,

County sheriffs throughout Oklahoma have received much-needed support with the passage of Senate Bill 244. The measure ends a practice that often resulted in county jails having to pay for
