Brats are back in town

Members of the Trinity Lutheran Church are gearing up for their annual Brat Fest to be held Saturday at the church. From left are Phyllis Hobbs, Brenda Butler, Kim Gill,

The Clinton School Board has announced that the period for filing a Declaration of Candidacy for the board’s No. 5 seat is set for 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday,

Following years of decline, deaths from cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke, have been rising dramatically since 2012. Deaths from cardiovascular disease increased 4 percent between 2011 and

When you’re driving on a highway, you might wonder: What’s the most fuel-efficient lane to drive in? If it’s a multilane highway, the best choice is right down the middle.

Civic club helps CMS students

Kiwanis members donate snacks for Clinton Middle School’s CTAP (Clinton Technical Applications Program) afternoon school program. From left are Tyler Morgan, CMS science teacher Tanner Wheeler, Stormie Hill, Renee Blackwolf,

FRIDAY OCTOBER 25 DANCE: American Legion dance at the Legion Hall on U.S. 183, entry by donation. 7 p.m - 10 p.m. MEETING: Clinton AA meets in the basement of

Clinton Middle School teacher Rhett Blundell has requested that any Clinton veterans interested in speaking at the school’s Veterans Day assembly get in touch with him. Blundell, who is in

Huge crowd welcomes park upgrades

Organizers seemed well pleased with the introduction Tuesday of what will soon be the latest addition to McLain Rogers Park. Former mayor Pat Cornell, whose wife Sue was one of
