It has been a long few weeks of weather for Oklahoma families, meteorologists, first responders, and emergency management personnel after spring storms, tornadoes, and flooding have hit us and the Midwest especially hard this year.

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In a scene from “The Miracle Worker,” Kate Keller, played by Jalonda Bengs, intervenes during a fight between her husband Capt. Keller, right, played by Benjamin Dobbs, and his adult son James Keller, played by Jason Bengs.

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Enjoying an outdoor square dance at Nance Elementary, from left, are Zayvon Hester (with back to camera), Mayson Mosburg, Edgar Rodelo, Kendall Serfoss, Greer Ray, Aubrey Bishop, Noe Gonzales and Evelyn Roush.

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In this famous scene from “The Miracle Worker,” a young Helen Keller resists when her teacher makes her eat with a spoon instead of her fingers. Around the table, from left, are Jason Bengs as James Keller; Benjamin Dobbs as Capt.

Oklahoma is currently enjoying a period of exceptionally strong revenue growth. As we near the end of FY 2019, General Revenue collections have already come in $360 million ahead of the year’s estimate, which will ensure a large end-of-year deposit to the Rainy Day Fund.

(COLLEVILLE-SURMER, France) – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) joined Senator Johnny Isakson, (R-GA) chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, on a bipartisan Senate delegation to Normandy, France, for the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion by Allied forces during World War II.

The paramedic who pled guilty to removing two potent painkillers from their containers and changing the labels on them was using the drugs for his personal use, he admitted in

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H.O.S.T. Ministries Pastor Wilma Jackson said the church is moving forward with its plan to expand services to the community, following its purchase of the former Blunck’s Photography Studio site
