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Clinton Therapy and Living Center staff that got “gussied up” for the facility’s Hillbilly Carnival Day included, from left, Kim Bacon, Katie Davis, Chelsy Foley, Sheri Shaw and Trinity Jones.

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Mickael Carlisle, a 2007 graduate of Clinton High School, has been named Department of Human Services (DHS) Worker of the Year by the Oklahoma County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association.

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Mike Perkins polishes a 1967 convertible Ford Mustang that he’s entering in the Route 66 Festival car show. When it was new, the vehicle sold for $2,898.

Two teen-aged Clinton males, one 18 years old and the other 19, have been charged with second-degree rape for allegedly having sex with 15-year-old girls. The girls apparently were willing partners, which may be why the charges are second-degree.

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Clinton Public Schools’ art programs have produced some exceptionally talented young artists, but one in particular will shine this year when Clinton High School junior Niko Lam attends the prestigious Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain.

Monday morning, when this area’s drawing for 52 tornado safe rooms was postponed for a day because of the threat of tornadoes that evening, Custer County’s emergency management director had what he thought was an unusual visitor.

In 1844, Samuel Morse sent the first electrical telegraph message, “What hath God wrought,” from the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., to an assistant in Baltimore.

In 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge opened in New York City.

Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a new law recently prohibiting towns and counties in Oklahoma from enacting local taxes on plastic bags and other “auxiliary containers” like foam boxes used for restaurant to-go orders.
