Elizabeth Ko, M.D.

Dear Doctors: My sister and I are roommates, and we are both back to in-person work. We keep getting sick because co-workers with the flu won’t stay home and aren’t careful. I doubt we are the only ones wishing for a code of good behavior for when you’re sick. Can you talk about that?

Daughter hopes to help mom declutter home

DEAR HARRIETTE: Ever since I was a child, my mom never liked to throw anything away, whether it was old clothes, expired food, broken appliances or even random junk mail. At the time, I thought it was just her being quirky or frugal, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized it’s much more than that.


• For many of us, the idea of leftover wine seems like an oxymoron, but if you do have a little extra vino from a party, you can use it to help your plants. The nitrogen content in wine is beneficial for plants, gardens and compost bins. Just pour the wine directly into a compost bin or dilute it with water if you are feeding it to plants to give the good bacteria a healthy dose of nitrogen.

Reluctant chef struggles to find recipes

DEAR HARRIETTE: When I was single, I never learned how to cook; my mom always took care of that for us. However, after getting married, I’ve been wanting to learn how to cook more than just fried foods and to try more varied meals. The problem is that I always feel intimidated by complicated recipes. I end up sticking to the same meals every week because I don’t know where to start or how to manage it. The idea of cooking something new often feels daunting, and I worry about wasting ingredients or not getting the recipe right. I genuinely want to improve my cooking skills and experiment with different dishes, but I’m concerned it will be too stressful or take too much time. At times, I feel discouraged before I even start. Should I try breaking down the cooking process into smaller steps and gradually work my way up to more complex recipes? – Cooking Anxiety DEAR COOKING ANXIETY: Take a deep breath. Everything is going to be all right!