Freshman orientation

Recently Clinton High School staff and Student Council officers held orientation for this year’s freshmen. Pictured is Sabina Cano holding a Chromebook in one hand and librarian Christy Manhart giving the student her Chromebook charger. CDN

The Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission believes this is the perfect time to invest in the future and inspire today’s youth to become pilots, engineers, mechanics, astronauts and scientists.

Attorney General Mike Hunter applauded the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for overturning a lower court’s decision that prohibited making information on sex offenders unavailable to the public.

The new Oklahoma Route 66 Passport from the Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department will help Route 66 travelers find new destinations to explore and earn great prizes along the way.

Clinton sparks curiosity

Audrey Riechers, who is from Wisconsin, stated that she was on her way to California and decided to take Route 66 in order to get there. She saw that Clinton had a Route 66 Museum and she said that she just had to stop to tour it. CDN

The American Red Cross has established a youth education program designed to help raise awareness about what is commonly referred to as the rules of war.

Here is a look at Tuesday's headlines

- Burglars are targeting vehicles

- Lloyd ready to join council

- Marsee named president of state DA association

- CHS sweeps Tipton on senior night

- CMS football’s opener moves home

- Dr. Gary Lee Ford obituary

‘Call Me’ this Friday

CHS band french horn section leader, Emmilee Goodman, reads her music from her flip folder and plays the notes for the song “Call Me” by Blondie on her mellophonium. The CHS band will march to this song during Friday’s first home game.
