Here is a look at Wednesday's headlines

- Airport sees uptick in traffic

- Suspect is accused of harboring fugitive

- CHS using lanyards, paid parking spots again 

- Allen Plummer obituary

- Larry Siess obituary

- State deaths

The Clinton Regional Airport traffic took a hit due to the pandemic, but it’s begun to see an increase in traffic recently.

The joy in art

Sixth grader Esme Jones giggles, as she paints with a palette knife and acrylic paints on a canvas. She has been expressing herself in the art world for almost a year now. CDN

According to the Oklahoma Probable Cause Affidavit filed by the Clinton Police Department, Carnegie resident Dustin Swords, 33, was arrested Aug. 11 in Clinton for allegedly harboring a fugitive from justice.

Sliding into fun

Deegen Goucher, left, and Raiden Crider slide down together at the new playground at McLain Rogers. CDN

The Oklahoma Arts Institute is kicking off a new program, the Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute at Home Academy, which will provide online education during the upcoming school year for artistically gifted high school students.

Deputies responded to a 911 unknown call in the 2400 block of Beverly Lane.
